A probablistic model for service life prediction: reinforced concrete under the action of carbonization and chloride aggression

  • E. E. Shalyi Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
  • Sergey N. Leonovich Belarussian National Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • L. V. Kim Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: reinforced concrete, carbonization, chloride aggression, service life prediction, probabilistic model


A technique for reinforced concrete service life prediction under the combined effect of carbonization and chloride aggression with the use of finite-difference and probability models is developed. The period of corrosion initiation of the reinforcement and the propagation period for the conditions of Sakhalin shelf zone are taken into account. Field surveys of the port facilities of Kholmsk and Korsakov have been carried out. The carbonization front and the chloride content were estimated from the depth of the protective layer of concrete; A model is proposed that al-lows determining the average period before repair, taking into account the rate of degradation of the protective layer of concrete from the simultaneous action of two corrosion processes: carbonization and chloride aggression.

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